Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Developments Of The Twentieth Century Essay - 1603 Words

The developments of the twentieth century either enhanced the quality of life for people or diminished it. From the industrial revolution providing jobs and creating an economic base, to the World Wars aiding political conflicts and disrupting ways of life and modern capitalism giving rise to popular culture. There have been significant changes to the art world, as the changing environments and culture led traditional modes of art to become modernized and radical. The emergence of the anti-aesthetic was key to these developments, challenging society the conventions of traditional â€Å"high art†. The change in medium-specificity also questioned society as to what defined art? Artists approached these shifts in modernism by embracing and accepting the modernizations in the world. These new accommodations of the world are seen in the works of art by Marcel Duchamp, with his Fountain, Andy Warhol’s 100 Cans, and Robert Morris Untitled. Artists would be incompatible with th ese developments if approached with rejection and reformation. In the following years after WWI, Europe was manifested by years of upheaval and inflation, angst and disturbance. The results in wars were not able to achieve a period of peace and prosperity. This period was marked by disillusionment, and artists produced art around their discount with the world. An example of one group of artists who expressed their cynicism with the world was an art movement known as Dada. Marcel Duchamp is one example of artistsShow MoreRelatedThe Development Of Chicana Identities Throughout The Twentieth Century By Showing1015 Words   |  5 PagesEdited by several scholars such as Gabriella F. 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